CCC Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament
Please join us on Wednesday, October 16, to enjoy a round of golf on one of the premier golf courses in the Mid-South, to benefit Coahoma Community College students.
click here to Register online.

The Cause
97% of the students enrolled in Coahoma Community College will require some financial aid, compared with 78% nationally. Budgets are being squeezed, and financial aid to students is shrinking.
Please join us on October 16, at Tunica National Golf & Tennis to support this very worthwhile event. If you wish to support us, but not play in the tournament, donations can be made to: “CCC Foundation”.
Tournament Information
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.
Tunica National Golf & Tennis | 1 Champions Lane , Tunica Resorts, MS | TOURNAMENT FORMAT Four-man scramble. Best ball tee to green (captain’s choice)
Donations of any monetary amount will be received with gratitude.
HOLE SPONSOR - with cash or merchandise of $100
TEAM SPONSOR - with cash or merchandise of $500; may enter one team.
BRONZE SPONSOR - with cash or merchandise of $1,000 - 4,999; may enter up to two teams.
SILVER SPONSOR - with cash or merchandise of $5,000 - $9,999; may enter up to three teams.
GOLD SPONSOR - with cash or merchandise of $10,000 - $14,999; may enter up to four teams.
PLATINUM SPONSOR - with cash or merchandise of $15,000 - $19,999; may enter up to six teams.
CORPORATE PARTNER - with cash or merchandise of $20,000 or greater; may enter up to six teams.
Hole and team sponsors get signage on the golf course, Bronze Sponsors and up will have banners at the entry of the golf course. All levels of sponsors will receive advertising in the print media stating the level of sponsorship provided.
